F.A.R.M. Club,Newsletter 






                                      DECEMBER 2008


                                   HAPPY HOLIDAYS!


Please note: There will not be a regular club meeting this month at thefairgrounds.

We will be having our annual Christmas party on Dec. 13th.

Information on the 2nd. page of this newsletter.


Bill Bors would like to Thank everyone who participated in the Springboro parade.

We had seven tractors and our club sign in the parade. It was very cold but we all had a good time.


Congratulations to Jim Hurst! He will be our newest director starting in Jan. 2009.

A hugh “Thank you” to Walt Biggs who did an excellent job as director and electrician!


Don’t forget…… if you did not pay your membership dues at our show they are due now.

I will be making a new roster in Jan. and if you are not a member your name will be

removed from the list. Please call me or email if you still want to be a member. Thanks!


Hope to see you at the Christmas Party!

Don’t forget to R.S.V.P.


Sandy Hale, sec.  hshale806@aol.com or 513-899-3246